Medical Transcription
Our Services
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Following are the salient features of our Medical Transcription service…

- We provide 98-99% of accuracy.
- Our turn around time is 24 hours.
- We employ specialists Medical Transcription professionals depending on the doctor’s specialization.
- Some of our proof readers are doctors and dentists.
- We have one proofreader for every two MTs and one QCE for every two proofreaders.
- Our working center is at Bangalore, the IT Capital of India, which is the best location to meet the better turn around time and quality services by a highly educated, technically efficient and proficient work force.
- By outsourcing your work to Indus Valley Inc, you will be benefited by the 12 hours of lag time between the two countries. By uploading your back office transcription work while leaving office during evening time, you are ensured of getting completed work next morning, before you resume your work.
- We are geared to handle sudden increases in workload.
- We undertake the customize templates.
The transcription work areas include transcribing records pertaining to:

·          History and Physical Reports

·          Chart notes.

·          Operative and procedure notes.

·          Consultation Reports

·          Discharge Summary.

·          Rehabilitation notes.

·          Cardiac catheterization reports.

·          EEG reports.

·          ECG reports.

·          Radiography reports.

·          Progress report.

·          Psychiatric evaluation.

·          Radiology reports.

·          Emergency Notes

Many of the services we offer require us to see your specific needs in order to quote a price.

Please call us at (+1) 909 740 3955 for a free estimate or for more details.

We will update this page frequently so be sure to check back!

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Indus Valley Inc * #2947, Pooja Pushpa Mansion, I Floor, D Block, MKK Road, Rajajinagar
* Bangalore * INDIA * 560010